Current Course Offerings:

For more information, see the program overview.

Sign up for information when the next session of classes for Boston are available for registration!


Level 1

This first level is designed to get you on stage and in the light. There’s something in you and we’ll drag it out. You’ve been told you’re funny. You think you’re funny. You’d like to be more comfortable speaking in front of crowds. You want to up your game in social situations. And/or you actually want to be a Stand-Up Comedian. This is where it begins.

You will learn to be comfortable, coherent, and confident on stage and off. You will learn stage techniques, mic control, and just what makes you think you’re funny.  Finally, you will quiet that nagging little voice in your head that keeps whispering….. “yes, you can.”

All this while preparing a 5-minute stand-up set to be delivered in front of a real crowd.

Tuesdays, 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Instructor: Will Noonan
4/1/25 - 5/27/25 | $325
(no class 4/8 and 4/29)

Tuesdays, 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Instructor: Corey Manning
4/15/25 - 6/17/25 | $325
(no class 4/29, 5/13, 5/27)

Wednesdays, 5:45pm - 7:45pm
Instructor: Dan Crohn
4/16/25 - 5/28/25 | $325


Level 2

Second things first. Having completed level 1 is a feat in itself, You did that, now you can do this. Level 2 will expand on the foundations you have by now, no doubt, mastered.

You will learn what your voice on stage is and how to listen to and write for that voice. You are past the exploration stage and want to make the commitment of trying your hand at stand-up. Well, this level is the ode to your commitment.

You will write, perform, write, perform, and repeat until you polish that 5 minutes into the shining calling card that is your act. Then you will push beyond to find the core of what makes you funny. You will also prepare for showcases and open mics with the focus on highlighting your broadened skills. A 7-minute showcase set at the end of this level will be proof of your hard work.

Prerequisite: Level 1.

Tuesdays, 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Instructor: Dan Crohn
4/22/25 - 6/3/25 | $325


Level 3

Now it’s personal. By now you’ve learned that stand-up comedy is a pretty individual pursuit, so let’s get you pursuin’. This level is dedicated to personalizing your training, focusing on your stage character and how to write for that piece of you. We focus on your strengths as a performer.

We will also point out any potential obstacles that may prevent you from achieving your ultimate goal. Strengths will remain strengths and weaknesses will be turned into strengths.

You will also get input and critique from working headline comedians. You will also have an up-close conversation with the folks who book area clubs. They’ll tell you what they look for in hiring and how to best represent yourself.

Prerequisite: Level 2.

Meet the Laugh University Instructors: